Sunday, July 25, 2010

Episode 101 - Latino Migrants with Diabetes: Introduction and Overview

The first of a four-part series, this episode explores the unique health care status of Latino migrants in the United States and how it relates to Diabetes Mellitus.

Diabetes is a chronic condition with potential for severe complications if not managed chronically. Latino migrants live a mobile lifestyle that makes consistency in health care difficult. How will these factors play out in the demographic statistics of Latino migrants and diabetes?

Before we spend our time offering solutions in the upcoming episodes, we first take the time to establish that there is a serious problem.

Podcast audio: Listen to "Latino Migrants with Diabetes: Introduction and Overview" here

Links: CDC: Hispanic or Latino Populations


Goldman, L., & Ausiello, D. (Eds.). (2008). Cecil medicine (23rd ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Heuer, L. J., Hess, C., & Batson, A. (2006). Cluster clinics for migrant Hispanic farmworkers with diabetes: perceptions, successes, and challenges. Rural and Remote Health, 6, 469-74.

Heuer, L., & Lausch, C. (2006). Living with diabetes: Perceptions of Hispanic migrant farmworkers. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 23, 49-64.

Kim-Godwin, Y. S., & Bechtel, G. A. (2004). Stress among migrant and seasonal farmworkers in rural southeast North Carolina. Journal of Rural Health, 20, 271-8.

Weiler, D. M., & Crist, J. D. (2009). Diabetes self-management in a Latino social environment. Diabetes educator, 35, 285-92.

Vega, W. A., Rodriguez, M. A., & Gruskin, E. (2009). Health disparities in the Latino population. Epidemiologic Reviews, 31, 99-112.

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